Power Rangers #17 is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Ryan Parrott, illustrated by Marco Renna, coloured by Walter Baiamonte and lettered by Ed Dukeshire.
Print copies of POWER RANGERS #17 will be available on March 16, 2022, exclusively at local comic book shops or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies will be available to download from the usual content providers.
With the threat of the Empyreals gone and Earth saved, the Omega Rangers must forge a new path for themselves! But with the Blue Emissary gone and Xi still out of commission, can the Rangers survive the dangers of the universe that they’re trying to protect?
After the Eltarian War and the threat of the Empyreal and now Earth is once again safe the Omega Rangers are left to gather up the pieces both physically and mentally and get back to some sort of normality. A new purpose is needed for the Rangers as just going after Zordon isn’t proving the most fruitful, at the moment. A new found direction seems the way to go as a battle cry is sent to surrounding planets as an offer of support but it isn’t just the planet’s inhabitants that are listening, I think the term “something wicked this way comes” springs to mind.
Without doubt Ryan Parrott is one of the top comic writers in the business, the story he has brought with this issue lays the foundations for yet another epic story arc and if The Eltarian War is the benchmark then I am definitely looking forward to see how this plays out.
Marco Renna in back with the illustration side of things and I couldn’t think of anyone better who could encapsulate the true essence of the Power Rangers. The dramatic tones and colours used not only bring the story to life but highlight the intense feeling of the story.
I personally thought that The Eltarian War would be the peak of the stories from the Power Rangers multiverse, well I couldn’t have been more wrong for The Eltarian War was essentially the start of the new era of Power Rangers and I for one am excited to see how the story arcs play out.
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